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杀戮旅店 La bestia uccide a sangue freddo

  • 伦理 
  • 克劳斯·金斯基,欧露莎尔芭·奈丽,卡拉·曼奇尼,玛格丽特·李,费尔南多·杰鲁尼,莫妮卡·斯特雷贝尔
  • A cloaked figure slips into an exclusive psychiatric clinic and murders one of the female patients. …

杀戮旅店 La bestia uccide a sangue freddo剧情介绍

杀戮旅店 La bestia uccide a sangue freddo是一部1971私人影视意大利电影,扒宝影院搜集整理了第三方片源提供杀戮旅店 La bestia uccide a sangue freddo高清完整版全程中文字幕手机免费在线观看,扒宝影院现有 |兜兜云 |XV号线等非本站的第三方高清片源免费播放接口,由于片源时有不稳定或down机的情况,烦请自行切换播放接口直至播放为止。

A cloaked figure slips into an exclusive psychiatric clinic and murders one of the female patients. Meanwhile, various sexuals liaisons are revealed. The mystery killer continues with his massacre: he beheads a nurse with a scythe, pushes a chauffeur into a spiked “Iron Maiden”, strangles an older female patient, kills a nymphomaniac with an axe, and shoots a lesbian through the neck with a crossbow. Doctor Clay and the police set a trap for the killer using one of the attractive female patients as bait. However, they are not prepared for the onslaugth that follows…


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