

  • 纪录 
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  •   The lockdown in March broke off years of hard work by Verena Paravel and Lucien Castaing-Taylor, f�


人体结构是一�2022纪录片法国电�,扒宝影院搜集整理了第三方片源提供人体结构高清完整版全程中文字幕手机免费在线观�,扒宝影院现有 |XIV号线 |Ⅺ号� |Ⅴ号� |Ⅳ号� |Ⅱ号� |XVI号线 |XVII号线等非本站的第三方高清片源免费播放接口,由于片源时有不稳定或down机的情况,烦请自行切换播放接口直至播放为止�

  The lockdown in March broke off years of hard work by Verena Paravel and Lucien Castaing-Taylor, filmmakers, anthropologists and creators of Leviathan revealed at Locarno in 2012. Their new movie focuses on five hospitals in northern Paris neighborhoods, using the latest medical imaging technology to paint a triple portrait of the human body, the medical profession and the French capital.
